四. 品牌是歷史傳承和沉淀
在上世紀90年代有一部很經典的電影《泰坦尼克號》,影片開頭故事情節是,在打撈泰坦尼克號郵輪的時候,從海底打撈出了羅絲老太太的箱子。箱子品牌是大名鼎鼎的路易威登louisvuitton。路易威登louisvuitton的箱子在海底浸泡了幾十年,品牌logo和經典顏色、花式還清晰可見,為l v箱包經久耐用做工精良的品質做了廣告。louisvuitton品牌的珍貴感、歷史感、滄桑感、厚重感就躍然紙上了。不得不說,louisvuitton的植入廣告,比我為金航標kinghelm(www.beihaiyouqi.com)薩科微slkor(www.slkormicro.com)打軟廣碰瓷華強北老板娘的調調高多了。
薩科微產品日益豐富,用于工業和[敏感詞]產品有:碳化硅SiC二極管、碳化硅SiC MOS管、IGBT管、第五代超快恢復功率二極管等,滿足新能源汽車、高端裝備、通訊電力設備、太陽能光伏、醫療設備等行業對高性能產品的需求;應用于民用消費類產品有:高中低壓的MOS管、可控硅、橋堆等功率器件,肖特基二極管、ESD靜電保護二極管、TVS瞬態抑制二極管、通用二極管三極管,和電源管理芯片、霍爾HALL傳感器、高速光耦等系列,在智能手機、手提電腦、機器人、智慧家居、物聯網車聯網、LED照明、3C數碼產品等領域得到廣泛的應用。薩科微還將推出更多數字和模擬集成電路產品,為客戶提供更專業和更全面的服務。
薩科微秉承 “守正”、“精進”、“堅韌”、“細節”的企業文化,在經營管理中堅持樸誠真正、日進一步、鍥而不舍、把控細節的原則,薩科微注重公司倫理,提倡共同發展協作共贏,不斷提升“slkor”品牌知名度美譽度,為員工、客戶、社會創造價值。薩科微在技術上穩中求新、管理上狠抓細節、品質上精益求精、以市場趨勢為導向、以客戶滿意為結果,銳意進取持續發展。乘“國產替代”的東風,以強芯強國為使命,薩科微立志成為“國產半導體領導者”,為中國芯的強大和中華民族的偉大復興貢獻力量!
Shenzhen SlkorMicro Semicon Co.,Ltd. whose technical elites from Tsinghua University and Yonsei University in South Korea masters the international leading third generation semiconductor silicon carbide power device technology, with new materials, new technology and new products to lead the development of the company. SlkorMicro products include three series: general-purpose diodes and transistors, powerdevices, and power management ICs. SlkorMicro has developed from a pure IP design company to a national high-tech enterprise including design, production and sales."SlkorMicro " brand is gaining reputation in the semiconductor industry and SlkorMicro official website has gradually become one of the most important platform for collaborative development among semiconductor industry , which not only shows SlkorMicro products and publicizes "SlkorMicro" brand, but also carries out the industry technology and information exchange, collision of ideas, datasheets query, etc..
SlkorMicro products are increasingly abundant. They can be used in industrial and military products, which include silicon carbide diodes, silicon carbideMOS Fet, IGBT, 5th generation ultra fast recovery power diode, etc., which can meet the needs of new energy vehicles,high-end equipment, communication & electric power equipment, solar photovoltaic, medical equipment, etc.for high-performance products;civil consumer products includehigh and low voltage MOS, SCR, Bridge Rectifier , etc., Schottky diodes, ESDprotection diodes, TVS diodes,general-purpose diodes, transistors, power management ICs, Hall sensors, high-speed optical couplers, etc., which are widely used in smart phones, laptops, intelligent robots, smart home appliances, IOT andinternet of vehicles ,LED lighting, 3C digital products and other fields. SlkorMicro will develop more digital and analog integrated circuit productsand provide more professional and comprehensive services to customers.
SlkorMicro adheres to the integrity, innovation, people-centered, excellence quality, and business philosophy. Our concept: sincereness, profession, diligence, market orientation, and customer satisfaction as our only purpose. SlkorMicro will work closely with our suppliers and customers, on common interest, to pursue win-win cooperation.We believe that SlkorMicro will be one of the top suppliers of semiconductor ICs and electronic component in China, and creates value for employees, customers, society and the world.
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